The Power of your subconscious Mind

             The Power of your subconscious Mind

Neuroanatomists have mapped most of the expansive  structures within the brain like the cerebral cortex, basal ganglia and brain stem, and many of the white fibre plots between these areas but the functional unit of the brain has not been discovered yet. Humans consist two types of brain which function in our everyday. The conscious mind and other the subconscious mind which is said to be the most powerful part. The conscious mind holds our feelings, thoughts, urges, and emotions. The subconscious mind  is like a memory bank. It permanently stores everything that ever happens to you. Habits of thinking and acting are stored in your subconscious mind. It has collected and stored  all your comfort zones and it works to keep you in them. You can start feeling uncomfortable when you try something new because your subconscious mind pulls you back because it is unknown to it.

The subconscious mind can also be said a giver. If you want to  get something, all you have to do is start  thinking about what you want, then that thought will travel  to your subconscious mind, which in turn will act on your thought, which will be in vibration with the universe, and you hence you will get what you want.
The subconscious mind never stops thinking even if you are sleeping. It works even when you are sleeping too therefore you dream at night. Like it is said, the subconscious mind gives you everything what you want but for it to make it work you need to be in close vibration with the universe and have faith which is the most important thing.

How to make your subconscious mind work for you

· Change your subconscious beliefs by actions: If you want to change a subconscious belief such as "I am not good at trigonometry" then you need to take  actions to get good grades in the next trigonometry exam. Only then your subconscious belief will be changed.
· Don't go against your subconscious beliefs: Don't use statements  that does not make sense to your subconscious mind because they will never work
· The Subconscious personality can't do magic: Some individuals feel that they can utilize their intuitive personalities to shed pounds while eating anything they desire. This is the way individuals who don't have a clue how the intuitive personality work think. You can utilize your intuitive personality to get more fit by changing certain convictions that are keeping you from taking activities however you can't utilize your subliminal personality to lose weight directly. at exactly that point you can make your subliminal personality work for you.
How to communicate with your subconcious mind?
When communicating from your conscious mind to your subconscious mind its actually difficult because it should be done with emotions. It goes for both negative and positive emotions. When you cry and want something you usually get it because because you wanted it really bad and there was a strong emotion when asking for it.

* Facts about the subconscious mind

1. The subliminal personality has no effect between what's genuine and what's envisioned
2. The intuitive personality thinks just in the present and does not know anything about the past or future
3. Your subliminal personality is unreasonable!
4. The subliminal stores every one of the information of our reality before we are conceived and apparently of our past lives
5. It contains 'your adaptation of reality, for example, confinements and convictions which are not really evident
6.The subliminal personality can be customized , so we can have the ideal life we need, however tragically, that isn't what a great many people do .Repetition is essential when you program the intuitive personality.
7. The vast majority of our convictions and musings from the world , were framed amid the ages of 2 and when most learning was intuitive
8. The intuitive is the place your 'gut-sense' and internal learning begins
9. It is in charge of 95% of our conduct and choices and that it can check data at lightning speed !
10. The cognizant has the will , the subliminal has the power.



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